9 August 2022

What’s his lens?

We like to believe we see the world as it really is.

But of course that’s not true.

Consider the following…

You walk down a busy city street in December. A man is sitting on the curb.

He’s thin. He looks tired. His clothes are dirty and crumpled. He’s shivering.

As you get closer, you can tell he hasn’t showered in a while.

He’s likely homeless.

What do you think?

Well, that depends…

Maybe you think he’s a loser who didn’t take the opportunities life gave him. You see someone who deserved what he got.

Or maybe you see someone down on his luck. A man who got a raw deal. Maybe a mental illness. Maybe a drug addiction. Maybe he’s disabled. But either way, it’s fate. Nothing you can do about it.

Maybe you simply see someone in pain who could use a smile and something warm to eat.

Same man. Three very different responses. Three different perspectives.

That’s your lens. We all have one.

And over the years, it’s been shaped and polished by our raw talents, our culture, our family, friends and experiences.

Most of the time, it’s used to help us make sense of the world.

But, it can also help others make sense of us.

As marketers, it’s helps us better understand our customer. Better connect to him.

Doing so – and using language to show you understand that lens – gives you an amazing advantage.

About the Author

Brandon Roe is a direct-response marketing strategist, copywriter and best-selling author who has worked with clients in 8 countries and 3 languages over the last 20+ years.

He helps firms in the financial publishing and natural health industries use proven marketing to grow their sales faster.